Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Term Four and a Little Before


The forth term is moving along quickly; we have four more weeks until graduation! This year has gone by so fast, but so much has happened! This term has been less busy than most, although that will change soon when graduation takes up all of our focus. Highlights so far have been the Rise Fest in East London, worship lectures, chilling at the beach, boogie boarding, and Solitude week.

The highlight of my holiday was the surf trip:

From left to right: Dee (South African, Leadership Academy), me, Grant (Canadian, Leadership Academy), Hannah (American, Surf Masters), Rachel (Canadian, Surf Masters), Frank (Dutchie, Surf Masters). We went with Carl, a surfer from Surf Life who did VGY a few years ago. We spent our first day driving to Vic Bay in George and surfed there for a bit. It's a nice spot! Then we camped for the night. I went surfing as soon as I woke up--for two hours! It was really fun. I'm still a beginner, but I enjoyed it.

We stayed in a guest house on the beach near Mossel Bay. Some days we surfed right outside our house, and other days we drove to surf spots. The first few days I stuck to foamies--waves just after they break. After I had figured out how to stand, Carl showed us beginners how to ride face-waves--waves as they're breaking! I don't totally have the hang of it yet, but it was fun trying. One day we went body boarding, which is like surfing but on a smaller board, and you don't stand. If you ever have the chance to body board, I totally recommend it (if you are a confident swimmer)!

Surfing a foamy.


 (left to right) Dee, me, and Grant
It was a blast!
In other news:

  • Last week was Solitude week--basically the next best thing to Matthew 4. We lived in the woods for a week without technology, built our own shelter, and spent most of day in solitude. For food, we were given an apple, banana, carrot, and potato--each day. It was the closest thing I've ever experienced to true hunger. I learned a lot about being content (Philippians 4) and relying on God's strength. I literally spend the whole day with God! It was amazing!
  • Yesterday, I took my Rock School Exam. I did electric guitar, grade 8. I had to play a few scales, take a few ear-training tests, play a technical exercise, learn and perform a quick-study piece, and play three songs (one samba, one rock, and one metal). It went well! I could have done better, but I'm confident that I passed. It takes a lot of pressure off having it done!
  • Two weeks ago, as a fund-raiser, Leadership Academy had a Country Fresh Market in the mall. They sold baked goods, lemonade, pancakes, hotdogs, and had live music. A few of us from Worship Academy and my friend Alex (my twin) played jazz music for an hour. It was really fun!

Until next time,


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