Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Holiday Highlights


The second term went really quickly, but was very busy.

Highlights of second term include: Purpose and Destiny lecture series, Deliverance course, Empowering Relationships lecture series, Garden Route Outreach, One Voice Comference, guitar lessons, drum lessons, vocal lessons, vision casting the album, and song writing.

We've officially started working on the album! Recording is next week. Here's a teaser:
I know it doesn't make any sense, but that's why it's called a teaser. :)

After the term ended, holiday began! Here are some highlights of my vacation so far:

(From left to right) Josh, Armand, Herman, me, and Dooitze at a KGB church event. Yes, KGB. We dressed up in orange jumpsuits and war-paint. Then we chased 10-13 year-olds around a school and tried to catch them while speaking in Russian accents. If we caught them, we would take them to "jail", where they were "tortured" (fed weird foods, covered in flour, did pushups, etc.). There was even a real police van there! It was really fun! Great exercise! Unfortunately, there were several people in the neighborhood who didn't know what was happening. They called the police, saying, "These people need backup! The criminals in the orange jumpsuits are trying to catch children and the police aren't stopping them fast enough!"

And this is what happens if you try to steam spinich with a plastic strainer. 

One Saturday, I biked over to the Surf Masters' house, and spent the day with my freind Kayleigh (she's Canadian). We randomly decided to make sushi, so we walked to the store and found everything we needed--seaweed, avocado, salmon, rice, carrots, cucumber, and hoisen sauce. It was the equivilant of $9 each to make 10 sushi rolls each--much cheeper than going to a restaurant for the same amount of sushi! It was a lot of sushi. I ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Last week, a team of 14 of us from church drove down to LIV village--an orphanage near Durbin. It's actually less like an orphanage, and more like a village. I'll post a post on it after this one. This is the sunset. We weren't allowed to take any pictures of the kids for safty reasons, so I don't have a lot of pictures from my time there. But I do have a lot of memories. :)

On Saturday, we went to uShaka Marine World in Durbin. It was like a mini Sea World! Really fun. I definitely recommend it. They also have a water park, with Africa's tallest water slide!

Nemo in uShaka!

(From left to right) Jandre, Jenna, Kay, Zane, Dee, and I eating Bunny Chow--really spicy Indian food that you eat with your hands--just outside on uShaka water park. It was amazing! Durbin has the highest population of Indians in South Africa, so it was authentic.

Bunny Chow--nothing to do with bunnies.
(From left to right) Jandre, Dee, me, Mike, Michelle, and James in the Quantum (a van). We did a lot of driving. It was four hours from JBay to East London, and then eleven hours from East London to Durbin. Needless to say, we got really close--literally.

The sunset in East London (we stayed the night at a youth center there on the way driving back from Durbin).

The major highlight of my holiday so far was LIV village. Like I said, my next post will be about that.

It's funny, because althought it's technically winter holiday here, the temperature has mostly been in the 70's and 80's (Ferinheight)! A cold-front is starting to settle in, though, which means late 60's. It's raining now; I think I'm the only one in this house who likes rain. What can I say--I'm a Seattle-ite!

Will post soon!

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