Monday, February 17, 2014

Picture update


Orientation finished the day before Valentine's day; it was the most challenging 16 days of my life! I'll post a summary of my experience later. For now, here are a few pictures from my life here so far:

Chilling at the SeaTac airport

Chilling at the Frankfurt airport

Eating a frankfurter in Frankfurt! (Okay, so technically, it was more of a sausage...)
A few of us went for a morning jog around J-Bay and watched the sun rise

Posing with a surfboard

Attempting to surf (I stood up a few times, but I wouldn't call myself a natural)

My ginger friends! From left to right: Britt (from Colorado Springs, Leadership Academy), me, Alex (from Australia, Leadership Academy), Sarah (from SA, Worship Academy), Lauren (from SA, Leadership Academy).

For Valentine's Day, the guys in my house took us girls out to dinner for pasta and pizza.
Back row: Dooitze, Herman, Frikkie, Josh, Armand, and Willem-Paul.
Front row: Grace, Cerys, Sarah, Me, Marike, Callyn-Leigh, Rachel, Ledise, Cari, and Ludo
Missing: Sebastian, Obie
If you would like to see pictures of Orientation, check out VGY's Facebook page:
(No, I don't have a Facebook)
In other news:
  • I finally watched the Lion King!!
    •  I can't believe it took me 18 years to see it, but now I have. And I thoroughly enjoyed it! Although, I did find it extremely dark for a kids' movie. The songs were great, though, and the animation incredible! Even better: I watched it in Africa!
  • I met Americans!
    • At church yesterday, I met a group of Americans! They are part of a mission group who travels the world in 11 months. They were from all over the States--Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, California, etc. I told them I was from Seattle, and they said one of the guys in their group was from Seattle too! He wasn't with them, but he would be coming in the evening service. When I met him at the evening service, I found out that he's from Kirkland!!!!! Kirkland, WA!!!! Technically Juanita! 10 minutes away from where I live!!!! Also, he lived in Taiwan for two years and speaks Chinese! So that made my life.
  • I received mail!
    • When I arrived home from Orientation, I was greeted by a bunch of mail! Thanks to everyone who wrote me; it really means a lot! A special thanks to my friends at Crossroads Bible Church for bombarding me with a jillion notes! It made me feel super special.
I'm leaving for lectures now.
Have a great day!


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